The Weaving of Kani Pashmina shawls is an age old Heritage of producing Kani Shawls. Srinagar Kashmir has been famous for Kani Pashmia Shawls from centuries. Royal Mughal period onwards, till date for delicate, intricate and traditional patterns woven in Shawls known by name as Pashmina Kani Shawl.
The most valued pashmina shawls are weaved through the threads of delicate Pashmina wool from the bottom of the wild laddakhi goats.The woolen fibres got from the laddakhi goat has a special shine due to its long, fine fibres, which are as thin as 12 microns. The growth of the fine, warm Pashmina is an adjusting response to the harshly windswept terrain and winter temperatures of Laddakh.
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